Looking for Dental Implants in Cedar Park, TX?

Need a Dental Implant? Find out how Aviva Dental Care of Cedar Park, TX can help precisely place and restore dental implants at affordable prices. Call (512)-852-8528 today to schedule an appointment.

Do you have missing teeth and wish to eat your favorite foods? The dentures or dental bridges may increase your ability to chew. However, the impact of missing teeth over a prolonged period has a long term impact on the jaw bone and the structure of the face. The longer you wait, the jaw bone may deteriorate to the point where dental implants are no longer an option.

So please call us today to schedule an appointment and ask your Cedar Park dentist Dr. Apurva Arjarapu, how she can help prevent jaw shrinkage and preserve the structure of your face using Dental Implants.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are the strongest, long-lasting, and most reliable form of tooth replacement in modern dentistry. It's a small titanium screw surgically inserted into the jawbone to restore the balance of natural bone production and resorption. They prevent bone loss by not only replacing the Dental Crown but also by replacing the tooth root. If left untreated, the patient's jaw bone will shrink, requiring much costlier cosmetic procedures to restore the structure of the face.

Put an end to the dire consequences of missing teeth by getting a Dental Implant at Aviva Dental Care. Aviva Dental Care uses the latest implant technology to help Cedar Park patients smile with confidence, improve oral health, and appearance.

For exceptional dental care at affordable dental implant treatment, look no further than the Aviva Dental Care of Cedar Park. Please call our office today and schedule an appointment to seek if dental implants are the right option for you. Dr. Arjarapu and her friendly staff will address any questions/concerns in a relaxed, pressure-free environment.

Ready to schedule an appointment?
Learn how dental implants can strengthen and improve the appearance of your smile. Aviva Dental Care uses the best technology and the highest quality products to deliver beautiful, reliable implants at affordable prices.

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